Ok so i was traveling around the internet is search of fun and new products to bring to you when i came across this site in Asian with a woman trying so hard to be me, Here is the issue with someone trying to be me, first i am disabled, Anyone who is in there right mind would not want to be disabled, 2. i am Aztec Native American, 3 i was born in New Jersey, Bayonne to be exact, Not only was i born with a physical disability, i was given a mental one ADD, ADHD, and lots of physical ones, why would you want to be a disabled woman? I also get chronic migraines from stress and sunlight and i have Psoriasis badly on my right leg and ankle as well as my whole scalp which is causing major hair loss. So why would you want to be me? There are times i am not even hungry and times i go nuts on food, there are times where i shut myself away not wanting to even be bothered and times i want to completely give up and throw my hands up and walk away from it all, So why would you want to be me? I have ulcers and one bleeding one, my stomach is completely a mess, so why do you want to be me? I am Polish and half Aztec No other blood runs in my veins, so why do you want to be me? My family is gone, So why would you want to be me? I have dark hair almost black with copper highlights and gold eyes that make me blind in sunlight, So why would you want to be me? I am divorced because of an abusive ex husband who nearly killed me, So why would you want to be me? I am 38 years old and with all of these disabilities SO WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE ME?!?!?!?! Now this young lady was nice enough to ask to use my name and i promised since she did ask she could use it with her art since her art is beautiful and yes i do like and comment on her stuff and i think you will enjoy her art http://ladydarksky.deviantart.com/( used my name with permission)
ok now you read all about me. Below you will see why i posted the above about me.
This woman She not only copied my Registered Trademark ® but is so hard trying to do reviews and not only using my registered trademark but my whole name (which is my real birth name on my birth Certificate) like i do, i'll list below some sites trying to be me that did not even ask to use my trademark name over the years for your enjoyment.
remember these sites are ARE NOT ME or THE PEOPLE!
http://ladydarksky.bloggplatsen.se/ (blog name not used with permission)
http://www.familyandhomelife.com/teeth-whitening-does-apple-cider-vinegar-make-teeth-whiter/#comment-64550 (look in the comments someone is actually trying to be 100% me)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX004RInv9U ( Vayne Milor not only took my logo, my name and my video but uploaded to her channel not even 20 minutes after i uploaded it from my pc to my channel, added my intro, my hearts and exit to my video! a copywrite infringement was sent to youtube about this person, sad so sad people do this)
And i am sure there are many many more, So how do you know it is the real me? well first
1. my picture i post my picture everywhere on everything one without my scarf and one with and of course my pink scarf turban i did for world Hijab day to stand by my sisters and brothers in Islam, my 1960's style for my Christian brothers and sisters, and of course my Turban style for my Jewish Brothers and sisters (i love all as i am sure and hope they love me),
2. my email anyone knows my email can email me to see it is is really me, my email response always has my signature in it, and if you know me by now you know my signature :)
3. Anyone who has been on my youtube channel which has been secured by our great amazing staff at Google+ because of the people trying to be me.
Now mind you of course there are always people trying to be celebrities online, even people who try and be ones who don't make any money (like i don't make money) because of the name, so if you spot any blog ect trying to be me that you know is not me because all of my social media is listed for you all, don't hesitate to turn it in! You will not only be doing yourself a favor, but me as well
How do i spot a fake?
1. simple my Registered trade mark ® is spaced from my name, i NEVER space the ® because my name is registered as a trademark and not the space
2. No picture
3. Someone signs there name other than my name
4. it isn't listed by me as a social media
5. you emailed me and i told you it is not one of the ones i own.
so you can all rest assured who the real Ladydarksky® is and that is me :)
Now here is me :D
and of course i am on the following games
Forsaken World
Aria Gaming
and of course i run my own minecraft server from time to time.
so If ever in doubt check the list and shoot me an email and i will tell you if it indeed is the real me :)
Official blog of LadyDarksky ®, Aztec Native American (LA RAZA) Minister/Blogger/Reviewer/Gamer with 100% real unbiased Reviews, products from all around the world! Twitter™, Facebook™ Youtube™ Posts, Re-Shares (of my content), Videos, Reviews and so much More! There is only one me Accept no impersonations! EIN: 88-3806139

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