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Friday, November 13, 2020

♥LadyDarksky® Victory Liquid unboxing mail!

♥LadyDarksky® Victory Liquid unboxing mail! code MAXX840 FOR 25% OFF ANY ORDER! this is bought strictly out of my own money, no affiliation or friendship with this, like i said i bring you the very best!!!!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Apres Nail review and show off of my nails after 1 week of being on, NO FREE EDGE ON MY NAILS!

so today i took some pictures of my gamer nails, i have no free edge on my nails and i used Apres gelx extend gel and their short round tips which look like over lays on my nails. the tips are cut down so they are at the end of my fingers. i love the look what do you think?

yes these are my tips i game constantly and i am always on the go so i do not expect my polish to stay in place or look good after application since lately i can not cut a break, this is real life! no one nails stay perfect even after the first day.  interested in getting a set too, to use? just go to the link below believe me i have yet to find a set like these that actually stay on when playing games on steam!