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Monday, February 9, 2015

Sprouts Voice Remedy And Cold Remedy Review Kosher, Herbal, Halal, Vegan, 100% natural!

Sprouts Voice Remedy For Hoarseness, Laryngitis, and Expectorant The # 1 Choice For Singers & Speakers & Sprouts Cold Remedy for Common Cold, Sore Throat, Congestion Get Better in 1 Day

  • Sprout's Voice Formula is a unique blend of natural herbs to restore your voice.
  • Ideal for Voice Hoarseness, Laryngitis, Inflammation and to loosen stubborn Phlegm.
  • Made in a GMP certified facility.
  • Kof K Kosher Certified
  • Sprouts Cold remedy is a unique blend of natural herbs to relieve cold symptoms 
    • Relieves heavy Congestion, cough. 
    • Extremely effective for a Sore Throat
    • It stimulates healing in a safe and speedy manner. 
    • Made in a GMP Certified facility Kof k Kosher Certified

    Product Description

    Size: 2 oz
    Sprout's Voice Formula is a natural supplement designed to reduce hoarseness, to get rid of stubborn phlegm and to enable your voice to be smooth and clear. Sprout's Voice Formula has been tested by professionals whose work requires their voice to be at top quality, and by people suffering from chronic or temporary hoarseness and inflammation. Sprout's Voice Formula is made in a vegetable glycerin base- no alcohol. 2 oz liquid bottle with dropper. 59 servings per bottle amount per serving 1ml (25 drops) in 2 oz of water. Suggested Use: 1 to 2 times per day when symptoms occur. Take 3-4 hours before performance with food. Try it! Sprout's Voice Formula will restore the ring in your voice!!  

    Sprouts Cold Remedy is a blend of herbs containing properties that help the body resist and kill unwanted foreign substances, preventing the virus from attacking cells. It boosts the immune system and keeps the virus from multiplying. It also helps the body expel mucus from the respiratory tract. The ingredients and amounts of specific herbs is based on information from famous herbalists who have years of research to back their knowledge and observations. After an immense amount of research, testing and retesting, a final formula was created. Start taking the Sprouts Cold Remedy immediately at the onset of symptoms. Take one dropper 2-3 times daily. Chances are that within a few hours, you will forget that you even felt a cold coming on beforehand. If cold symptoms are already present, start by taking one dropper immediately and then repeat every 4 hours. Symptoms should improve significantly within 24 hours. 
    Review: I saw these on tomoson for a review and said what the heck let me try them, i wanted to go and sing karaoke that night and of course my throat wasnt really ready for it, i guess that happens a lot with the weather changes and how you feel inside so i gave it try, it tasted like syrup but surprising i was able to sing without straining my voice which is what i was worried about plus i kept getting tired of being sick when i go in there and someone doesn't know how to cover there mouth when they cough! so before i could even get sick i had the cold remedy on me and took it 1 dropper full before my voice remedy. needless to say i'm not sick and i had a blast! i so needed that day out and i needed the walk, doing both without being sick or sounding like a robot the next day was so amazingly worth it! what i like the most is everything in these are herbs nothing chemical at ALL!  I even check on amazon for there information for everyone and there price and let me say something, you know how most products we buy for cough cold and voice are over 15 to 20 dollars a piece and you have to buy 8 or 9? by the time your done you have over 200 dollars worth of chemicals that just dont work or make you worse! i did check and i will link both links at the bottom of this but there both on sale 28.50 today so if i were you i would grab them :) ooh did i mention the cold one has elderberry? you know elderberry that stuff when someone asks me what to take for a cold to make it go away in a day or two i say elderberry, its in it!

    here are there links to both :) enjoy!