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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ladydarksky® Presents a Brand new fashion find for large and small woman

I was asked if i could let you all know a great online store of designer brands at low prices, while I was browsing the net looking for high end at retail prices. At first I didn't want to share this site because of how good it is, plus the products are amazing. Then after a few days, I was asked to take a look at this site again and give my honest opinion about it. So here is what i know about this site so far

Do they Sell High End from Designers at a decent price?


 Since the site sells high end clothing from designers one on one, I think it is a great idea! This means not only does the store host the product but they are able to make sure it gets to you simple and easy, Now i bet you are sitting here asking what exact store well here it is Not only is it a designer seller but they also have at that link some reviews from their customers.

Does it Sell all Sizes and Extra Large as well?

Yes yes!

 Now i took two days going over this site the what if's clicking links checking it out, not only do they carry normal sizes S,M,and L but they also carry XL, 4X and higher!

Is the site easy to use?

Yes! Completely!

The best part is i found it completely easy to browse around, if you put your mouse over a picture it shows you the back, for those of us who wear modest clothing that shows if anything is showing in the back, also for those of us who don't want their booty showing this is amazing to have!

Should we take your word for it or check it out ourselves?

NO! I don't want you to take my word for it!

 I honestly want you to go exploring on their site as well so i decided to put a few of their fashion links that i thought you would personally like to see.

What are the links and why?

lets start with the first one.

Since it is coming into thanksgiving for those who don't celebrate it and those who do why not check out their thanks giving deals? i saw a few myself of the sweaters there is a brownish tan one that has a half turtle neck which is really beautiful! Also there is a long skirt that is flowing on there that will make your mouth water! There is also what looks like a poncho cape on there that is to die for!

Ok and here is the other link these will make your head spin they are velvet dresses, yes you heard me right i said velvet! If that isn't enough there is a velvet cape on there that i would give my right arm for!

You could also choose these too if you wanted to make your search smaller (they are located at the top of the page)