Surprisingly Amazing a twist of fantasy faith love and hope all wrapped up into one sweet package. Two soul mates arrive at the point in there lives where they can only do exactly what they know love each other after being sent back to earth that is exactly what they do find each other and love each other, this heart warming story about melted my heart, we all search for that special someone our soul mates that make our lives complete each and every way, this story gives me hope that maybe just maybe there is hope for us all!
It is now October 4th 2016 and looking back on this review, it does not give this book any justice a small paragraph of words for a strong hope and strong love, in a love story i still enjoy years later, it makes me cry and gives me hope above hope that there really is someone for everyone and in everyone there is someone, this love story starts in the heavens and how does it end? Well I wont spoil it for you, I give my personal recommendation of this book by None other than the Famous Author Joshua Valentin, who has worked his way from this very first review in 2013 to the author I always knew he could be with the first draft of this book to the last. If you haven't gotten your copy right now, you are missing out. Don't keep on waiting to find out if true love really exists, grab yourself a copy! Ebook or paperback it is worth it's weight in gold and will be a book you pick up again and again and again!