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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Reviews coming up (were hoping)

Got a few reviews in the making one of which is:

LipiX InstantEdge Ketogenic Coffee


Cleopatra's choice


Cassani Company

I'm extremely excited about all of them So stick around I'm picking the very best to review and send just for you :D

Monday, March 24, 2014

Apothederm Acne Clarifying Treatment

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
Product Description Great skin after a stressful week can sometimes be a case of irony. Need a pick me up before the big date or having a stressful week that has wreaked havoc on your skin. Whether it is only a spot or more, ApothedermTM's Acne Clarifying Treatment is formulated to help clean up sebum and minimize pore size. It's gentle, yet effective, meaning it won't irritate skin. Sometimes life brings a breakout and what you need is a problem solver. Product uses company's patented SmartPeptideTM technology. Experience the Benefits Reduces the appearance of blemishes Minimizes pore size Keeps skin balanced Lightweight Fast absorbing

Review: So i went on Tomoson and saw this product i had to try it, curiosity was overwhelming! I got this product yesterday in the mail yes sunday now i swore it wasnt there Saturday! anyway when i got it and opened it my first reaction was oh great another acne medicine just great, Well i had a few spots you know those ones you get on the side of your nose that drive you crazy, so with a clean face i added it to those spots, and i woke up a few hours ago thinking they would still be there, so you know i was completely surprised by them not being there at all! none no acne spots none the ones i had are gone completely like they never were there, course my face in that spot is a tad bit dry but nothing a good moisturizer wont cure. I love it!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.