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Saturday, May 16, 2015

WARNING: Amazon cracks down on bloggers who don't disclose and Bloggers crack down on companies!

Recently it has come to me a few times with these new companies on amazon saying and i will quote  

"NOTE: Considering you've paid $1 for the product over Amazon, you do not need to add any disclaimers at all (which is what we prefer), however if you feel more comfortable adding a disclaimer, you can state:"

However here is the issue wither you pay for a product or not with any company even on a 3rd party site per FTC guidelines it plainly states a blogger MUST say how they got the product, from what site they were offered it, if they paid for it themselves or were given it free for review. EVEN IF YOU PAID 1 DOLLAR! there is no happy medium and here companies are going around telling bloggers they dont have to! YES YOU DO HAVE TO! not only would it violating FTC but themselves has a TOS that plainly states to us bloggers that we MUST disclose that information or the following will and has happened because new bloggers believe these companies:

1. all of your reviews will be deleted

2. your account will be closed (period)

now of course you can fight it but amazon can take it a step further and turn you into the FTC. I for one don't like ANY product enough to lose my amazon account. that isnt the only thing though the FTC can and has fined 1 single blogger 5k dollars per review and hit a small company for it. Personally no product in the world is worth 5k to me i dont care what it is. my life is worth more than that companies. so i am going to stress this once again and post from amazon on here for all to see a friend of mines email from amazon explaining there TOS as well as linking the FTC website for you all to take a look at.

To the companies that are saying to these new bloggers and us old that we do not have to, be warned here and now, as a blogger it is my duty to turn you in as is the duty of every blogger, your products are not worth 5k out of our pockets when some of us do this for free, are disabled, have families. so keep that in mind the next time you say to a blogger on any site "would you like to review my product and you dont have to put the disclosure in" because you now know Amazon and FTC are watching!

Amazon review friends.. you CAN appeal your reviews being wrongfully removed and your accounts being revoked. ...
Posted by Angel Heaven Lee on Saturday, May 16, 2015