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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Instagram Ladydarkskys shut down

 On september 5th I got a notice on my instagram saying i was a bad girl, so i went and fought it and got a email saying it was an accident 

i figured no big deal right? it was an accident no harm no foul! Not even a week later i get the same message, mind you i posted a picture of my grandma who died in 1996-97 and her sister together from the 1950's. Then i posted a picture of my dad! who died in 2016. I am his only child.

My grandma Catherine and her sister Anna in 1950

My Dad "JOE WALL" who was a bass player in 1996 in "The Cold Shot Band" that i own all rights to the songs my father wrote. As you notice the BMI label shows JAWMar which is JAW for Jaworski and MAR was My step mother Marie however she died in nov 2016 before my dad did. 

and i also posted a few soaps i made because who doesn't like soap right?

Next i know my account is down again for the same thing and then they tell me that i need to prove to them who i am!!! i had my account their since 2012, various pictures of me are on there but i sent them the picture they wanted with me and a stupid bunch of letters. Next thing i get is this generic Kiss our grits email.

Mind you i have sent them a copy of my valid license with my picture my name and my address i have also sent them a copy of my EIN number letter from the IRS. still no access to my account! Notice the subject is blank? 

Certain people think my account was hacked and suddenly i think so too! Because nothing was done on the account. What do you think? Do you have a way to contact facebook? if you do and know of a way to fix this place message me on facebook or twitter even email me on my youtube, any help with this would be awesome thank you!!!!