ok so after a few years with a company tons of backlash, hate,
hateful comments, reviews that were demanded even though it said that
bloggers did not have to review it was not required, Being told i am rude when stating facts which i copied and pasted from my home site and tons of hate
from new companies (not ones i reviewed don't get nervous) ones that still to this day do not understand
bloggers are customers, and the fact the large company was making money
off of me because i refused to charge for my reviews i was suspended.
why you ask?
well here it is i was contacted about a product we all know
i do weight loss ect and i have tried many products over my time from
the very first amazing product ARX to life&foods amazing garcinia,
but this one caught my eye not because the company was more than rude
after i stated a fact which no other company had issue with but because
something didn't seem right!
You all know i do tons of research from FDA
sites on mg dosage, how to use a product, what exactly is in it, what ingrediance are kosher, halal, vegan, organic, plant, chemical, animal vegitable or mineral to the FTC to the BBB on new companies to make sure i
am not so called "stepping in the dodo" to checking faithful Amazon
reviews of the product.
well this one product was more than scary to me
and of course the dosage was even more frightening, not to mention the reviews and reponses from reviewers, needless to say
after digging around compiling my sources and tons of doctor reports, i
get this weird private call on my phone not once but twice, the 3rd of
this month and the 6th.
Here comes the FDA?
when i answered it the last time it was my tried and true friends at the FDA saying how they heard about a so
called product via complaints from people online and did i hear about
it, course they had more information that i had, all i had was a company
name where they were based out of where they were selling and how i
came across the product, what was in it and dosage, now the information they wanted from me was to
confirm the company name of the product and where they were out of, and
if i spotted any reviews online that seemed to cause any sickness.
course the info i had to give them due to the FTC guidelines and of
course i notified who i had to after my conversation with the FDA.
Does the FDA regulate diet supplements that are over the counter?
your answer to this is no, not unless someone gets sick because of something in the product, the dosage is to high or someone dies sadly, because diets are supposed to be based on your doctors approval before you take any medications, or use it at your own risk kind of deal, which it states on the packages.
Epic blog fail here it comes!
what scares me the most is right after speaking with the FDA posting my
blog post i go to log into my account on a social media site to post a
review on another product and low and behind my account says suspended, what is even
scarier is that the place i was doing my post never once messaged me to say why just popped me into suspension land and claims they want 100%
unbiased reviews.
So ok i decide its time to go viral another Epic fail in the making here we go BOOM!!!!
Now mind you i did my post after talking to the FDA about the product to make others aware of what is safe and what isn't and of course the companies i reviewed before were completely safe, but However who are they to tell me what i can and can not
post on my personal blog? course that has me a bit peeved what's worse
is the review i gave was from my own emails from the company the FDA was
watching, NOT from there site, because i get all my social media emails sent to me
so i don't have to necessarily deal with there site hmmm and the info i posted about the products in general was one
from a actual doctor site and pharmacy and licensed professionals, so
this scares me a lot if i can be suspended from a site for giving an
honest review, talking to the FDA and being honest to my affiliates
about the FDA call
does this mean all bloggers are under such heat?
be and the sad part is the threat like that may or may not take down a
blogger who is new, me it's become a fight for what is right and what is
real, i refuse to bend to a brand new companies whims because they
decide they want to out rule the FDA, FTC, and BBB along with a few
other sites that i wont mention, this won't do, and
who sticks up for
the blogger/customer?
No one but the FDA, FTC, BBB and one company i love to bits
they know who they are ;) however this scares me a lot over the course
of the last few months these new companies have become aggressive
towards bloggers like myself, treating us like dirt and or garbage like
we do not matter, which gives the good companies a bad name, you see
what companies fail to understand and sometimes forget a blogger like
myself just 1 talks to 10 other bloggers maybe even 100 and they talk to
bloggers now if a main bloggers reach is say like me 10k on one social
media account and together almost 150k total, and other bloggers pick up
what i write which we do as a helping hand to each other, and there
outreach on one account is 250k think of the outreach you get from one
blogger, so when i write something it isnt just to show a product or
review it or try it, it's to give a heads up to other bloggers in my
genere as well as other interested people all over the world.
so what is exactly a blogger?
A blogger is a customer first, we are the eyes and ears of the community as a whole, customers best friends.
We can be a free blogger like me where you get a product use it (like a
free sample) and we tell you how we like it ect Or we can be a paid
Customer we get paid to tell you our opinions (there are tons of sites
for paid opinions) i'll explain more ever buy a product in the store and just adore it and have to tell 2-3 people or all of your friends? you jump on facebook and twitter and tell everyone how good or bad the product is how you were treated by the customer service rep or cashier? Then you are a blogger congrats!
How do we build trust and how exactly do we keep that trust we make?
here's how we get a product some get paid for it i choose not to this
way i am under no pressure to actually give a good review or any review at all for that matter, now with that
said no blogger in my circle will give a good review just because you
forked out 25 dollars a review or more and there is a time limit (yes sometimes anywhere between 7 days to half a month)!
Now when we get the product we do our research, check
out dosages, how it works basically the who, what, where, when, why and
do i really need it is it useful type and how would i use it daily and
is this good for my readers would they enjoy this product. When we are
done with all of that now we come to the review part, some like me post
the info from the product companies site just so you can see the ingredient because i hate surprises like that, others just post there
reviews on it step by step, it depends on the blogger. I like no secrets
so i lay it all on the line and let my readers decide what they think
after i give them all of the info.
now in order to
keep that trust i built with honesty i have to keep that up, so no
matter what i come in contact with on a daily basis i have to remember
its not only me using this but others as well and do i want to actually
take the time out to discuss if there is a major issue with the product
or not. I have no choice once you start being honest with your readers
or listeners they now expect that from you in all ways and i provide
that like any good blogger.
Reprocussions hurt me as much as they hurt the other customers right?
course they do, since i am your eyes and ears if i get suspended like i
you don't know why i got suspended but you are going to go and use that product
right so if i don't tell you out right it's dangerous or it's
harmful or you can get sick or if i have had a reaction and it happens
to you, who will you look at?
Me? exactly so honesty is the best policy,
but what happens when i get suspended, well by FTC i have to tell you
what, who and why, and because of it, it becomes controversial, some
companies do not like this, however the FTC guidelines over step the
company so if you are suspended be it for review or email or text, (i
was told people can read emotions in text, which is news to me) I have
to disclose why or if a company's customer service is not so customary
it is legally my job as a blogger to let you know who that company is.
the FTC covers bloggers for this.
Who do i complain to if it happens to me?
first don't bother with the company (unless it's a big company that is extremely helpful with customer service and you know they are then go for it talk to them) because of course if the company is
not on your side as a blogger/customer they won't be on your side when
you complain, take it higher, if you are suspended and its an affiliate
company or another company take it to the main company.
Then to the FTC
as a last resort file with the BBB as unfair working practices, as a
blogger you are still a worker even if you make money or not so remember
that you are employed by other customers for your review, they buy the
products they make the money to get the product and the last thing any
customer wants is to be treated with disrespect by a company, If this
happens take action do not sit there and spam the emails ect give the
company one warning then start your filing.
As Customers/Bloggers we
need to protect each other as well as stand up together, just remember
your money is yours and if you find a company that is just rude to you,
by not reading what you wrote or just completely ignores you like
happened to me before i was suspended (which is more rude than anything)
there are steps to handle it, and do not worry about being suspended
because there are more fish in the sea, and if all else fails use your
social media as your back bone, remember as a blogger you are the first
customer these companies see and if they can not get along with you,
then think of how they will treat there other customers. Also remember bloggers talk to bloggers (just like companies talk to companies)
in all you matter do not put yourself down to there level and do not
confuse yourself, you are a Customer as a blogger, do not degrade
yourself, you are you and your money matters if a company treats you
with disrespect take your money elsewhere and remember you can because
it is your money. Companies need you to buy there product you don't need
the companies.
With that happy shopping and happy blogging!!!!!!
Has this happened to you? Have companies thought you were not a customer as a blogger? or have they treated you as a customer in a horrible way? I'd love to hear your comments in the comments section, don't forget to list what company and how you were treated.
Official blog of LadyDarksky ®, Aztec Native American (LA RAZA) Minister/Blogger/Reviewer/Gamer with 100% real unbiased Reviews, products from all around the world! Twitter™, Facebook™ Youtube™ Posts, Re-Shares (of my content), Videos, Reviews and so much More! There is only one me Accept no impersonations! EIN: 88-3806139

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